BellRing Brands

ESG Governance

Our ESG efforts are overseen by the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors, which receives updates and provides strategic direction on a quarterly updates. A Senior Executive ESG steering committee comprised of our CEO, CFO, Chief Legal Officer, SVP Operations and SVP People meets quarterly to review and discuss ESG topics as well.​

An Associate Director of ESG leads and develops our ESG strategies and works throughout the organization to integrate ESG strategies into our business practices and decisions. ​

We take the responsibility of managing our business in an ethical and thoughtful manner very seriously. All employees must agree to our corporate Code of Conduct, which includes our approach to discrimination, harassment, insider trading, non-disclosure, responsible marketing, and other corporate expectations. A speak-up line is available for employees or suppliers to report any suspected violations of our Code of Conduct. Further details on our speak-up line and corporate governance can be found on our Corporate Governance page.