Our Impact

At BellRing, we live our purpose of Changing Lives with Good Energy through the products we develop and produce, and the way we operate our business.
We know that our daily operations have an impact on the environment, communities, and people around us. We are continuously working to better understand these impacts throughout our supply chain, identify areas of opportunity for improvement, and develop productive partnerships and solutions.
Annual Impact Reports
Read about our latest efforts and accomplishments in our annual GRI and SASB standards aligned Impact Reports.

BellRing’s Focus Areas for Impact
In 2022, we conducted a materiality assessment to pinpoint the ESG topics of greatest relevance and importance to our business. From this work, we identified six areas to prioritize our efforts over the coming years. Read about each of these focus areas by clicking on the topics below.

Energy Use & Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Packaging & Materials Use

People & Community

Regenerative Agriculture

Water & Waste Efficiency in Manufacturing